Title Sustav javnih prihoda Republike Hrvatske, županija i općina
Title (english) System of public revenue of the Republic of Croatian, counties and municipalities
Author Sven Fićurin
Mentor Mehmed Alijagić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Lopac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mehmed Alijagić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Katerina Dulčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospić (Administrative department) Gospić
Defense date and country 2016-06-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Financial Law
Abstract Od postojanja najranijih ljudskih zajednica postojale su zajedničke potrebe koje je
trebalo zadovoljiti. Prvotni oblik pribavljanje sredstava za zadovoljenje različitih potreba
zajednice bio je naturalni. Kada se pojavio novac i kad je prikupljanje prihoda za
financiranje zadovoljenja potreba poprimilo oblik prikupljanja i trošenja novca može se
govoriti o javnim financijama, koje se kao znanstvena disciplina bave upravo izučavanjem
elemenata, instrumenata, ciljeva i učinaka prikupljanja, raspodjele i trošenja javnih prihoda.
Razvoj samih javnih prihoda vezan je uz razvoj države, njenim društveno – političkim
uređenjem, te oblikom i stupnjom privrednog razvoja.
Danas svaku državu karakterizira podmirenje javnih potreba, čemu prethodi
prikupljanje javnih prihoda. Suvremenu državu karakteriziraju sve opsežniji zadaci, što za
sobom povlači potrebu kreiranja sve brojnijih i raznovrsnijih financijskih instrumenata
kojima će biti moguće pribaviti što više sredstava za podmirenje sve većih javnih potreba.
Usprkos različitostima državnih uređenja, a s tim u skladu i financijskih sustava, javni
prihodi ipak imaju neke zajedničke karakteristike: ubiru se periodično i to isključivo u
novcu, u pravilu iz prihoda i dohotka (samo iznimno iz imovine) sa svrhom da služe
podmirenju javnih potreba. Najvažniji instrumenti prikupljanja javnih prihoda su porezi
i oni imaju vodeću poziciju među drugim instrumentima.
Međutim, osim porezima, država se za prikupljanje državnih prihoda koristi i drugim
instrumentima čije karakteristike općenito nisu poznate većem broju ljudi, te se porezni
termini: doprinosi, pristojbe, parafiskalna davanja i darovi često brkaju sa samim porezima.
Osnovni karakter i značenje ovih instrumenata bitno se ne može promjeniti, iako su oni u
Republici Hrvatskoj podložni čestim izmjenama i promjenama, pa samo redovitim
praćenjem i stalnim učenjem možemo biti uključeni u financijski život naše države.
Abstract (english) Since the existence of the earliest human communities there were common needs that had to be
satisfied. The original form of providing the needs for satisfing different community means was
natural. When money appeared and when gathering of revenue for financing community
satisfaction took the form of collecting and spending money we can talk about the public finances,
which as a scientific discipline concerned with the study of the elements, instruments, objectives and
effects of the collection, allocation and spending of public revenue. The development of these public
revenues is related to the development of the country, its socio - political system, and forms and
degrees of economic development.
Today, every state is characterized by the settlement of public need, which is preceded by the
collection of public revenues. Modern country characterized by all extensive tasks, which implies a
need for creation of more and more diverse financial instruments that will be possible to obtain more
funds to cover the growing public needs. Despite of diversity of government regulation, and
accordingly the financial system, public revenues still have some common characteristics: collected
periodically, exclusively in cash, typically from revenues and income (only in exceptional cases of
property) with purpose to settle the public needs. The most important instruments of public revenue
are taxes and they have a leading position among the other instruments.
However, except taxes, the state is to collect government revenue benefits and other instruments
whose characteristics are generally not known to more people, and the tax periods: contributions,
taxes, para-fiscal contributions and gifts often confuse with the taxes. The main character and
meaning of these instruments essentially can not be changed, although they are in the Republic of
Croatia subjected to frequent modifications and changes, but only by regular monitoring and
continuous learning we can be included in the financial life of our country.
Sustav javnih prihoda Republike Hrvatske
županija i općina
Keywords (english)
System of public revenue of the Republic of Croatian
counties and municipalities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:107:218567
Study programme Title: Administrative study Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) javne uprave (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) javne uprave)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-07-13 06:37:56