Title Sportski marketing na primjeru FIFA - e
Title (english) Sports Marketing on the Example of Fifa
Author Elizabeta Janušić
Mentor Marija Baburić Vranešić (mentor)
Mentor Tomislav Lopac (komentor)
Committee member Mile Vičić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Lopac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Baburić Vranešić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospić (Business department) Gospić
Defense date and country 2023-06-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Abstract Sportski je marketing proces kojim se sportski proizvodi, događaji i brendovi
promoviraju i prodaju. Važan je za sportske organizacije i klubove kako bi
privukli sponzore, navijače i povećali prihode. Glavni elementi sportskog
marketinga uključuju marketinšku strategiju, sportski marketinški miks,
istraživanje tržišta, segmentaciju i pozicioniranje ciljne publike. Društveni su
mediji također postali važan alat u sportskom marketingu, omogućavajući
sportskim organizacijama i klubovima da dosegnu i angažiraju publiku na
globalnoj razini. Sportski marketing može imati pozitivan učinak na sportsku
industriju, kao i na gospodarstvo u cjelini, stvarajući radna mjesta i povećavajući
prihode. Međutim, važno je uzeti u obzir i neke nedostatke, poput mogućnosti
da se sport komercijalizira na štetu sportskog duha i vrijednosti.
U ovom su radu prikazane marketinške aktivnosti organizacije FIFA-e.
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) jedna je od
organizacija koje marketing koriste na najvećoj mogućoj razini. FIFA se koristi
različitim marketinškim strategijama kako bi se promovirala, a jedna od
najuspješnijih je kampanja Live Your Goals. Cilj joj je potaknuti djevojke i žene
diljem svijeta da se uključe u nogomet i promovirati jednakost spolova u sportu.
U okviru ove kampanje FIFA je pokrenula online platformu koja pruža pristup
nogometnim aktivnostima i događajima za žene i djevojke u cijelom svijetu.
FIFA također koristi svoj brend kako bi postala prepoznatljiva u svijetu sporta, a
Svjetsko prvenstvo u nogometu jedan je od najvećih sportskih događaja na
svijetu. Financijski podaci pokazuju da FIFA ostvaruje velike prihode od
marketinških kampanja povezanih s njim, ali i da ima visok proračun za
ulaganja u organizaciju događaja.
Unatoč uspješnim kampanjama, FIFA je također imala neuspjehe u svojim
marketinškim strategijama, kao što je bio slučaj s kampanjom All in One
Rhythm. No, s obzirom na njezin utjecaj i prepoznatljivost, i dalje je jedan od
najistaknutijih primjera sportskog marketinga u svijetu
Abstract (english) Sports marketing is the process by which sports products, events and brands are promoted and
sold. It is important for sports organizations and clubs to attract sponsors, fans and increase
revenues. The main elements of sports marketing include marketing strategy, sports marketing
mix, market research, segmentation and positioning of the target audience. Social media has
also become an important tool in sports marketing, enabling sports organizations and clubs to
reach and engage audiences on a global scale. Sports marketing can have a positive effect on
the sports industry as well as the economy as a whole, creating jobs and increasing revenue.
However, it is important to take into account some disadvantages, such as the possibility of
commercializing sports to the detriment of sportsmanship and values.
This paper presents the marketing activities of the FIFA organization. The Fédération
Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) is one of the organizations that use marketing at
the highest possible level. FIFA uses different marketing strategies to promote itself, one of the
most successful being the Live Your Goals campaign. Its aim is to encourage girls and women
around the world to get involved in football and to promote gender equality in sports. As part
of this campaign, FIFA has launched an online platform that provides access to football
activities and events for women and girls worldwide.
FIFA also uses its brand to become recognizable in the world of sports, with the FIFA World
Cup being one of the biggest sporting events in the world. Financial data show that FIFA
generates large revenues from marketing campaigns associated with it, but also that it has a
high budget for investment in the organization of events.
Despite the successful campaigns, FIFA has also had failures in its marketing strategies, as was
the case with the All in One Rhythm campaign. However, given its influence and recognition,
it is still one of the most prominent examples of sports marketing in the world.
sportski marketing
marketinški miks
Live Your Goal
Keywords (english)
sports marketing
marketing mix
Live Your Go
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:107:663126
Study programme Title: Economics of entrepreneurship Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-07-05 10:30:08