Sažetak | Ovaj završni rad obrađuje temu pod nazivom „Organizacija rada na kontejnerskim i
RO-RO terminalima“, a tematski i sadržajno je podijeljen na pet zasebnih cjelina. Kreće se
s prvom i početnom cjelinom, gdje je napravljen kratki uvod u tematiku i srž ovog rada, a
ujedno je i navedena struktura samog rada po cjelinama s kratkim opisom uz svaku od njih.
Nakon uvoda, u drugoj cjelini je pažnja posvećena kontejnerskim terminalima, odnosno
lučkim i željezničko-cestovnim terminalima. Stoga su ovdje opisani i prikazani svi procesi,
postupci, radnje, sredstva, sustavi i sve ostalo što pripada uz ove tipove terminala. Nakon
toga, u trećoj cjelini slijede RO-RO terminali, kao jedan od tri glavna pojma u ovom
završnom radu, uz kontejnerske terminale i organizaciju rada. Stoga su ovdje obrađena
tehničko-tehnološka obilježja RO-RO terminala, RO-RO rampe, prekrcajno-prijevozna
sredstva, RO-RO brodovi i sve ostalo što se veže te utječe na funkcioniranje ovakvog tipa
terminala. Četvrta cjelina objedinjuje pojmove kontejnerskih i RO-RO terminala, te obrađuje
i prikazuje sve vezano uz organizaciju rada na njima (prekrcaj, ukrcaj, iskrcaj, prijevoz,
informacijsko-upravljačke sustave, operativno osoblje, sredstva itd.). Peta i zaključna cjelina
sistematizira i objedinjuje sve navedeno, predočeno i napisano u završnom radu kroz dva
kratka ulomka. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This final work deals with the topic "Work organization on container and RO-RO
terminals", and is essentially divided into five separate chapters. It starts with the first and
the initial chapter, where a brief introduction to the subject and the essence of this work is
made, and at the same time the structure of the work is presented and briefly described. After
the introduction, in the second chapter, attention was paid to container terminals, ie port and
rail-road terminals. Therefore, all processes, procedures, actions, tools, systems, and
everything else that is relevant to these types of terminals are described and presented here.
Subsequently, in the third chapter, RO-RO terminals are followed, as one of the three main
terms in this final work, with container terminals and organization of work. Therefore, the
technical-technological features of RO-RO terminals, RO-RO ramps, transhipment vehicles,
RO-RO ships and everything else that binds and affects the functioning of this type of
terminal are discussed here. The fourth chapter integrates concepts of container and RO-RO
terminals, and processes and displays all related to the organization of work on them
(transhipment, loading, unloading, transportation, information-management systems,
operating personnel, resources, etc.). The fifth and the closing chapter systematizes and
combines all of the above stated, presented and written in the final work through two short
fragments. |