Author Robert Budak
Mentor Miljenko Bošnjak (mentor)
Granter Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospić (Transport department) Gospić
Defense date and country 2020, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Broj automobila na prometnicama ubrzano se povećava, što dovodi do naglog
povećanja emisije stakleničkih plinova. Neţeljene posljedice toga povećanja su zagaĎenje
zraka koje negativno utječe na ljudsko zdravlje, te velika koncentracija stakleničkih
plinova u atmosferi koja uzrokuje klimatske promjene. Kako bi se smanjili štetni utjecaji
povećanog broja automobila, mnoge drţave aktivno potiču proizvodnju i kupnju
električnih automobila.
Uporaba električnih automobila i proizvodnja električne energije iz obnovljivih
izvora mogu znatno usporiti klimatske promjene, te doprinijeti očuvanju okoliša. Iako su se
prvi električni automobili pojavili u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća, njihova visoka cijena,
nedostatak punionica, te dugotrajno punjenje su bili zapreka za masovniju proizvodnju i
prodaju. Tek je nekoliko zadnjih desetljeća spoznaja o štetnom utjecaju klasični vozila na
okoliš potaknula proizvoĎače da se odluče na masovniju proizvodnju električnih
automobila. Veća ulaganja u istraţivanja i povećanje broja električnih punionica trebali bi
dovesti do pada cijene električnih automobila i do povećanja snage baterija, čime bi se
trebale ukloniti glavne zapreke za kupnju električnih automobila.
Osnovni elementi po kojima se električni automobil razlikuje od klasičnog su
električni motor, kontroler motora i baterije. Električni motor je puno jednostavniji od
benzinskog i lakši za odrţavanja, elektronika je pouzdana, ali je baterija glavna kočnica
koja usporava brţi razvoj električnih automobila. Većina električnih automobila s jednim
punjenjem prelaze nešto preko 200 km, baterije imaju masu po nekoliko stotina kilograma,
a radni vijek im je najčešće nekoliko godina ili oko 1000 punjenja pri intenzivnijem
korištenju automobila. Kupnja nove baterije je veliki izdatak, zbog čega se mnogi kupci
teţe odlučuju na kupnju električnog automobila. U Hrvatskoj se na trţištu nudi sve više
modela električnih automobila iz svih klasa, a i Vlada subvencijama potiče njihovu kupnju.
Abstract (english) The number of cars on the roads is increasing rapidly, leading to a sharp increase in
greenhouse gas emissions. The unintended consequences of this increase are air pollution,
which has a negative impact on human health, and a high concentration of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere that causes climate change. To reduce the detrimental effects of an
increased number of cars, many states are actively encouraging the production and
purchase of electric cars.
The use of electric cars and the production of electricity from renewable sources
can significantly reduce climate change and contribute to environmental protection.
Although the first electric cars appeared in the second half of the 19th century, their high
cost, lack of filling stations, and prolonged charging were barriers to mass production and
sales. It is only in the last few decades that the awareness of the harmful effects of classic
vehicles on the environment has prompted manufacturers to opt for the mass production of
electric cars. Greater investment in research and an increase in the number of electric
charging stations should lead to a fall in the price of electric cars and an increase in battery
power, which should remove the main barriers to buying electric cars.
The basic elements that distinguish an electric car from a classic car are the electric
motor, the motor controller and the batteries. The electric motor is much simpler than the
petrol engine and easier to maintain, the electronics are reliable, but the battery is the main
brake that slows down the faster development of electric cars. Most single-car electric cars
travel just over 200 km, with batteries weighing several hundred kilograms, and typically
lasting several years or about 1000 recharges when used more intensively. Buying a new
battery is a big expense, which is why many buyers find it harder to buy an electric car. In
Croatia, more and more electric car models of all classes are on the market, and the
Government is encouraging subsidies to buy them.
električni automobil
hibridni automobil
emisija stakleničkih plinova
Keywords (english)
electric car
hybrid car
greenhouse gas emissions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:107:781321
Study programme Title: Road transport Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka prometa (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka prometa)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-11-02 12:42:06