Abstract | Tema ovog završnog rada nosi naziv „Autonomni automobili“, koja je obrađena u
radu kroz osam zasebnih cjelina. Nakon prve cjeline i uvoda u tematiku, druga cjelina tiče
se povijesnog razvoja autonomnih automobila, čiji je razvoj započeo još u 20-im godinama
20. stoljeća. Sada, 100 godina poslije, testiranje i ubrzani razvoj autonomnih automobila i
tehnologije autonomne vožnje doveo je do toga da su oni postali prava opasnost za klasične
automobile kakve koristimo i sve vodi k' tome da ćemo se svi uskoro voziti u automobilima
u kojima nećemo morati samostalno obavljati zadatke vožnje. Nakon toga, slijedi treća
cjelina u kojoj je obrađen sam pojam autonomnog automobila. Tako je ovdje opisan način
rada, tehnologija i dijelovi sustava, arhitektura, razine autonomne vožnje, zakoni te prednosti
i nedostaci autonomnih automobila. Četvrto poglavlje je ono najzanimljivije, gdje je obrađen
razvoj autonomnih automobila u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kao jedini proizvođač ističe se
kompanija Rimac Automobili d.o.o. sa svojim Rimac C-Two autonomnim automobilom,
kojemu je i posvećen veći dio cjeline. U petom poglavlju rečeno je nešto o trenutnom i
budućem razvoju autonomnih automobila u svijetu, odnosno o projektima koji su trenutno
aktualni i o onima koji su planirani za budućnost. Nakon toga, u šestom poglavlju okrećemo
se incidentima koji su se dogodili pri testiranju autonomnih automobila, gdje je izdvojeno
šest najistaknutijih i najzapaženijih od strane javnosti. U sedmom poglavlju dati su neki
zanimljivi statistički podaci i istraživanja koja su provedena u javnosti, a tiču se autonomnih
automobila. Cjelokupan rad zaključen je u osmom u poglavlju, gdje je ukratko napravljena
sinteza svega iznesenog i predočenog |
Abstract (english) | The theme of this final work is called "Autonomous Cars", which is elaborated in
eight separate chapters. After the first chapter and introductory of theme, the second part is
about the historical development of autonomous cars, whose development began in the 20s
of the 20th century. Now, 100 years later, the testing and accelerated development of
autonomous cars and autonomous driving technology has led to the fact that they have
become a real danger to the classic cars that we use and everything leads to the fact that we
will soon be driving in cars where we will not have to perform driving tasks. Thereafter,
follows the third chapter in which the concept of an autonomous car was discussed. So is
here the way of work, technology and parts of the system, architecture, autonomous driving
levels, laws, and the advantages and disadvantages of autonomous cars described. The fourth
chapter is the most interesting, where the development of autonomous automobiles in the
Republic of Croatia was discussed. The only manufacturer is the company Rimac
Automobili d.o.o. with its Rimac C-Two autonomous car, to which a large part of the chapter
is dedicated. In the fifth chapter there is something about current and future development of
autonomous cars in the world, that is, about the projects that are currently actual and those
that are planned for the future. Subsequently, in the sixth chapter, we turn to the incidents
that took place in the testing of autonomous cars, where six of the most prominent and most
notable by the public were segregated. The seventh chapter gives some interesting statistics
and research conducted in the public, concerning autonomous cars. The whole work is
concluded in chapter eight, where a synthesis of all the presented and presented is briefly
made. |