Title Cesta kao čimbenik sigurnosti prometa
Title (english) The Road as a Traffic Safety Factor
Author Filip Kovačević
Mentor Josip Burazer-Pavešković (mentor)
Committee member Slađana Čuljat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Arbanas (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Burazer-Pavešković (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospić (Transport department) Gospić
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Tema koja će se obraditi u ovom završnom radu nosi naziv „Cesta kao čimbenik
sigurnosti prometa“, a obrađena je kroz sedam zasebnih cjelina. U prvoj cjelini napravljen
je uvod u zadanu tematiku te je rečeno nešto površno o njoj. Nakon uvoda, slijedi druga
cjelina u kojoj su navedene glavne odredbe iz Zakona o cestama s osvrtom na projektiranje
cesta, te iz Pravilnika o održavanju cesta. U trećoj cjelini opisani su glavni čimbenici
sigurnosti cestovnog prometa, a oni su sljedeći: čovjek, vozilo, cesta, promet na cesti i
incidentni čimbenik. Od njih pet, čovjek je čimbenik koji najviše utječe na sigurnost
cestovnog prometa s 85% od ukupnog udjela. Ostalih 15% spada na preostala četiri
čimbenika, dok se vozilo ističe kao onaj čimbenik koji s najmanjim postotkom od svih utječe
na samu sigurnost. Nakon toga, slijedi četvrta cjelina u kojoj je pažnja posvećena samom
pojmu prometne nesreće kao faktoru sigurnosti na cesti i općenitima stvarima o istoj.
Općenite stvari odnose se na detaljnu podjelu prometnih nesreća po raznim segmentima, na
očevid te svim radnjama vezanim uz njega, i na kraju na samu odgovornost svakog pojedinca
u prometnim nesrećama. Peto poglavlje odnosi se na neke zanimljive statističke podatke u
Republici Hrvatskoj vezane uz ceste, prometne nesreće i sigurnost cestovnog prometa. Sami
statistički podaci prikupljeni su i objavljeni od strane Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova
Republike Hrvatske. Dodatna pažnja u ovoj cjelini posvećena je statističkim podacima
vezanim uz Brodsko-posavsku županiju te gradove Slavonski Brod i Nova Gradiška. Nakon
statistike, slijedi šesto poglavlje u kojem je naveden i detaljiziran jedan primjer prometne
nesreće u kojem je cesta kao čimbenik sigurnosti cestovnog prometa bila glavni krivac.
Cjelokupan rad zaključen je u sedmom poglavlju, gdje je ukratko napravljena sinteza svega
iznesenog i predočenog.
Abstract (english) The theme to be elaborated in this final paper carries the name "Road as a Traffic
Safety Factor", and has been elaborated through seven separate chapters. In the first chapter,
an introduction to the theme was made and something superficial about it was said. After the
introduction, the second chapter follows the main provisions of the Road Act with regard to
road design and the Road Maintenance Ordinance. Thirdly, the main factors of road safety
are described, and they are: man, vehicle, road, road traffic and incident. Of them five, man
is the factor that most influences the road traffic safety with 85% of the total share. The
remaining 15% falls to the remaining four factors, while the vehicle stands out as the factor
with the lowest percentage of all affecting the safety itself. After that, it follows the fourth
chapter in which attention is dedicated to the concept of traffic accident as a road safety
factor and to general things about it. General matters relate to a detailed breakdown of traffic
accidents by various segments, on the investigation of traffic accident and on all actions
related to it, and ultimately on the responsibility of each individual in traffic accidents.
Chapter five refers to some interesting statistics in the Republic of Croatia related to roads,
traffic accidents and road traffic safety. The statistical data itself was collected and published
by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia. Additional attention is given to
statistical data related to the Brodsko-Posavska County and Slavonski Brod and Nova
Gradiška. Following the statistics, the sixth chapter is followed, detailing an example of a
traffic accident in which the road as a factor of road traffic safety was the main culprit. The
whole work is concluded in the seventh chapter, where a synthesis of all the presented and
presented is briefly made.
prometne nesreće
sigurnost cestovnog prometa
čimbenici sigurnosti
Keywords (english)
traffic accidents
safety of road traffic
safety factors
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:107:093899
Study programme Title: Road transport Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka prometa (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka prometa)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-09-09 09:52:11