Title Raščlamba cestovnog prometa, dinamičkih sila i hibridnih vozila
Title (english) Differentiation of Road Traffic, Dynamic Forces and Hybrid Vehicles
Author Mario Šimunović
Mentor Miljenko Bošnjak (mentor)
Committee member Josip Burazer-Pavešković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Lemić Stagličić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miljenko Bošnjak (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospić (Transport department) Gospić
Defense date and country 2018-12-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Prve ceste gradile su se s ciljem lakšega i jednostavnijega prometnog povezivanja, te
ponajviše za uspostavljanje trgovinskih putova preko gorskog praga, a u poĉetku su bile
prohodne samo za prometovanje tovarnom stokom. Tek kasnije, cestama je bio omogućen i
kolski prijevoz, ĉime se povećala razmjena dobara i trgovina. Uglavnom su bile
makadamskog tipa, a s vremenom i pojavom modernizacije, te veće potrebe za boljom
prometnom povezanosti, došlo je do njihovih nadogradnji i proširivanja.
Izumom i usavršavanjem cestovnih motornih vozila i izgradnjom suvremenih
prometnica posljednjih stotinjak godina došlo je do golemog razvoja i modernizacije
cestovnog prometa. MeĊutim, zbog prevelikog broja cestovnih vozila ceste u velikim
gradovima postale su pretijesne, a buka i štetni elementi u automobilskim ispušnim plinovima
fosilnih goriva postali su golema opasnost za ljudsko zdravlje. Procijenjeno je da će
potrošnjom nafte, ukoliko se nastavi sadašnjim tempom, za 50-tak godina doći do velikog
smanjenja njezinih zaliha. Stoga su svjetski struĉnjaci i znanstvenici jednoglasni su da se
nešto mora promijeniti i zapoĉela je proizvodnja automobila s alternativnim izvorima
pogonske energije.
U ovome završnom radu pod naslovom Raščlamba cestovnog prometa, dinamičkih
sila i hibridnih vozila istraţen je i opisan razvoj cestovnog prometa i cestovnih vozila u
Republici Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Budući da ima povoljan geoprometni poloţaj, naša domovina u
odnosu na površinu i broj stanovnika sadrţi golemu mreţu cesta i autocesta, te oko dva
milijuna registriranih cestovnih motornih vozila. Stoga se i u nas ozbiljno razmišlja o
masovnoj uporabi alternativnih izvora pogonske energije vozila u cestovnom prometu.
U radu je prouĉena teorija gibanja, dinamiĉke reakcije, vuĉna sila, otpori i reakcije
prilikom pokretanja cestovnog vozila.
Posebna pozornost posvećena je upoznavanju s tehnologijom i izvedbom hibridnih
cestovnih vozila. Detaljno je opisano odrţavanje, sigurnost, pouzdanost i ţivotni vijek tih
suvremenih cestovnih motornih vozila.
Abstract (english) First roads were built to enhance and simplify traffic connections and were mostly used
to create trade routes across the mountain covered areas. In the beginning, they were suitable
only for the cargo transport via animals. As time and quality of the roads progressed, wheelbased transporting devices emerged as the dominant traffic mode, benefiting the trade exchange.
The roads were mostly macadam based, whereas the modernisation period brought upon the
greater need for adequate traffic connectivity and subsequently the expansion and further
upgrade of the roads.
With the invention of internal combustion engines and by building more modern roads in
the last few hundred years, a giant leap in the development and modernisation of roads occurred.
However, considering the great number of vehicles per city, roads have become relatively tight,
while noise and harmful particles resulting from the internal combustion engines have become a
great danger to human health. If oil consumption remains at the same yearly rate, it is estimated
that in 50 years most of the natural oil reserve will be depleted. Therefore, leading world experts
and scientists have concluded that a change must occur. Thus began the manufacturing process
of alternate fuel vehicles.
In this Bachelor Thesis entitled Differentiation of road traffic, dynamic forces and hybrid
vehicles, road traffic and vehicles development in Republic of Croatia and the world has been
investigated. Considering the favourable geographic position, Republic of Croatia contains high
number of roads and highways relative to the surface area and population of the country.
Furthermore, around two million road vehicles are registered in Croatia, which is the cause for
turning towards the alternative fuels.
Newton’s law of motion, dynamic force reactions, pull forces, resistance and forces
occurring during the vehicle start-up are discussed within this thesis.
Special attention is dedicated to hybrid vehicles manufacturing and development
technology. Maintenance, safety, reliability and life cycle of the hybrid vehicles is discussed in
teorija gibanja cestovnih vozila
vučna sila
hibridna cestova vozila
Keywords (english)
road vehicles law of motion
pull force
hybrid road vehicles
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:107:353265
Study programme Title: Road transport Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka prometa (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka prometa)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2019-03-15 12:21:08